If you’ve been experiencing- or even just reading about- “quiet quitting” and want to get a handle on it, you likely need to know what it is and what causes it in order to “quiet quit-proof” your workplace and secure quality talent who both meet your business needs and whose needs are met. Recently we witnessed a breaking point for many workers in the form of a Great Recognition, (aka Great Resignation), first mentioned in The Three A’s of Rebuilding Your Workforce where employers began to recognize the needs of their employees and their families. Many workers continued to experience … Read More
Family Friendly New Mexico 2021 Reflection
As we wind down our work activity and begin to focus on family and celebrating the holidays, I want to reflect on all that we’ve created and contributed this year. We began the year with hope and a glimpse of a future without COVID. And we end the year with a renewed commitment to workplaces that work for families. We’ve never been clearer about our vision for families and their children to thrive, and we are so grateful to the businesses and leaders who contribute to this vision. The pandemic brought many lessons that continue to inform our work and … Read More
New Mexico Businesses Address the Gender Pay Gap
Pay equity is being addressed more now than ever and the gender gap in pay has narrowed since 1980. Yet in 2018, women still only earned 85% of what men earned, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of median hourly earnings of both full- and part-time workers in the United States. Based on this estimate, it would take an extra 39 days of work for women to earn what men did in 2018. And the earnings are even less for Native American, African American and Hispanic/Latina women. More than fifty years after the Equal Pay Act of 1963 and … Read More
Remote Workplace Well-Being – What’s Possible?
For many people, 2020 introduced them to remote work. This meant meeting deadlines, communicating with colleagues and customers and managing projects all while integrating the reality of school and community restrictions due to the health pandemic. As we know, this took a toll on the physical and mental health of our employees. Now, nearly two-thirds of U.S. workers who have been working remotely during the pandemic would like to continue to do so (source: Gallup), which presents two interesting challenges: how can employers meet the needs of their remote workers, and how can employees contribute to their own well-being, while … Read More
Data Supports Investment in Family Friendly Workplace Policies
In 2016, I traveled to Washington, D.C. to attend the Work and Family Researchers Network bi-annual conference — a gathering of hundreds, if not thousands, of international researchers and practitioners that meet every other year to understand and improve workplaces for families. I had traveled to D.C. over the previous 20 years at least once a year, but this was different. This was the first time I was there representing Family Friendly New Mexico, an organization I founded to support businesses to adopt and implement family friendly workplace policies so that families and businesses could thrive. As I wandered the … Read More
Family Friendly New Mexico COVID Thanksgiving
Family Friendly New Mexico views the economic success and health of businesses and families as interdependent, woven together by our unique culture, talent and resilience. Families are the foundation of many small businesses and in order to thrive, we must prioritize the health of our most valuable asset – our people. We know New Mexicans share our mission: to support businesses, employees and their families to thrive. And in order to realize this mission, we must ground ourselves in the basic values that have allowed us to be the very best version of humanity in times of crisis. These values, … Read More
Four Tips for Stressed Managers and Leaders
For years, Family Friendly New Mexico (FFNM) has been supporting businesses that adopt and implement family friendly policies, like paid leave, flexible scheduling (including working from home!). Now, while we are all navigating this health pandemic, these tools and policies are more important than ever. There is something else FFNM has been doing — cultivating leadership. We see the champions out there, fighting for their employees. We see HR managers being creative in how they manage profit expectations and productivity with employee success and well-being. We support peer education for managers and leaders so they can learn from one another. … Read More
Working from home with kids
Many people are suddenly finding themselves working from home, including teachers, lawyers, financial advisors, art directors, realtors, producers and more. While this is absolutely necessary right now, it also presents its own set of challenges. As I’ve collected stories over the last few days about people’s various work-from-home-with-kids situations, it seems that working parents are overwhelmed with work responsibilities as well as overseeing their children’s schedule and online education activities. Here are a few practical tips for employees who are working from home for the next few weeks: Start your day with a routine: whether that is exercise, meditation, reading or … Read More