The New Mexico Family Friendly Business Award® was formed by the Task Force on Work-Life Balance. The program recognizes New Mexico employers that offer family friendly employee benefits and it works to increase the number of businesses with family centered policies available to the workforce. The purpose of the award is to recognize and support businesses that adopt and implement family friendly policies for their employees. Below is a list of Award Levels, Policy Categories and Awardee Benefits.
→Watch the video!

Award Levels

Platinum (Distinguished Leader)

Recipients meet at least two family friendly policy in each of the first four categories plus one policy in each of the three Platinum level categories and receive the family friendly business award seal and a certificate of recognition that they can use in their business materials and promotion.

Gold (Committed Leader)

Recipients meet at least one family friendly policy in each of the four categories and receive the family friendly business award seal and a certificate of recognition that they can use in their business materials and promotion.

Silver (Rising Leader)

Recipients meet any three family friendly policies and receive the family friendly business “on the pathway” seal and a certificate of recognition that they can use in their business materials and promotion.

Bronze (On the Pathway)

Recipients meet two or less family friendly policies and receive information and educational materials so they can continue on the path to a more family friendly business.


Policy Categories

Award selection is based on the following family friendly policy categories:


  1. Personal leave (school involvement, sick employee, training/professional development, vacation)
  2. Parental leave
  3. Family leave (caring for aging parents, children, domestic partner)

CATEGORY TWO: Health Support

  1. Breastfeeding/lactation support (could include a designated area for pumping/breastfeeding)
  2. Healthcare (employer subsidized health or dental insurance)
  3. Wellness programs (such as wellness assessments, screenings, education, health coaching, organized wellness activities, onsite preventative care such as immunizations, interventions such as smoking cessation, incentive and/or paid time off for wellness activities).
  4. Reasonable accommodations for workers who have medical needs arising out of pregnancy, menstruation, menopause, disability or illness (eg. allowing to avoid heavy lifting, stay off ladders)

CATEGORY THREE: Work Schedules

  1. Flexible work scheduling (such as 4 10–hour days or other adjustable scheduling)
  2. Job Sharing (such as two or more part–time employees share one full–time position)
  3. Telecommuting/hybrid (work from remote location at least some of the time)
  4. Predictable scheduling (providing at least two weeks’ notice of work schedules and/or premium pay for changes in work schedules made with short notice)

CATEGORY FOUR: Economic Support

  1. Higher than average wages in your industry
  2. Employer subsidized training/educational assistance
  3. Retirement/asset building available
  4. Employer subsidized or on-site childcare or dependent care (such as aging parents, or on/near–site childcare)
  5. Employer supported short-term financial stability options (small-dollar lending with repayment available via payroll deductions, access to financial capability training/coaching)

New Mexico Laws

  1. Ensure compliance with the Nursing Mothers’ Rights at Work Statute
  2. Ensure compliance with the Job-Protected Leave, Domestic Violence and the Workplace Statute
  3. Ensure compliance with the New Mexico Fair Pay for Women Act
  4. Ensure compliance with the New Mexico Human Rights Act
  5. Ensure compliance with the New Mexico Healthy Workplaces Act

Learn more about these family friendly workplace Laws & Statutes »


  1. Business/organization evaluates pay by job classification and gender
    • Is this information available to employees if they ask?
    • Is this information public? If yes, how is it made available?
  2. Business has policies related to pay transparency
    • Business encourages employees to discuss pay with co-workers
  3. Policies ensure compliance with the New Mexico Fair Pay for Women Act

CATEGORY SIX (PLATINUM ONLY): Diversity & Inclusion

  1. Policies related to diversity & inclusion for staff and/or board
    • Goals related to diversity in your hiring process
    • If you have a board, goals in place for diversity of members
  2. Diversity programs or employee networks for the following: race, gender, age, disability, LGBTQ, veterans, other
  3. Training provided to your employees on diversity & inclusion


  1. Policies related to supporting employees investing time and/or money in our/their community
    • Paid time for volunteering (such as community service or community boards)
    • Employer-matched donations


We encourage you to apply for the Family Friendly Business Award® and share your best practices with the community and receive recognition for your family friendly policies.

Q: Why should I apply for the Family Friendly Business Award®?

A: Research indicates businesses with family friendly practices enjoy higher employee retention, improved organizational citizenship behavior and better work attitudes. In addition, these companies are generally more profitable. Read the Family Friendly New Mexico Business Case (2020-2021).

Q: Will it cost me a lot of money to institute family friendly practices?

A: Several studies have shown that the improved financial performance of a business will make up for any additional costs.

Q: Why else is it important for me to promote family friendly practices?

A. You can help create a positive domino effect: when families are successful, businesses are successful and when businesses are successful, so is the local economy.

Q: When will I learn if I am getting the award?

A: Successful applications will be awarded live on the website immediately upon completion of the application (with the exception of the Platinum level award). If you qualify, you will automatically receive an email with your digital seal & certificate. If you do not qualify you will receive an email with information on how to improve your policies for future application.

Q: Is there any other public recognition?

A: Each year, Family Friendly New Mexico hosts an Awards Luncheon to recognize awardees. In addition, businesses will be recognized during the annual New Mexico State Legislative session. Awardees are recognized through press releases, and advertising throughout the year.

Recognition as an awardee will include:

Family Friendly Business Award® Benefits

  • Window Cling You will receive a window cling in the mail to proudly display in your workplace, serving as a daily reminder of your commitment to being a Family Friendly Business. Place it where your employees can easily see and appreciate this recognition.
  • Social Media Recognition Posts Check the FFNM Facebook and LinkedIn  pages in the coming days for a recognition post that tags your business. Share, share, share on social media and other networks or outlets you have access to. Spreading the word about the award and mission has huge impacts! Use hashtags #FFNM #FamilyFriendlyBusinessAward
  • Print Advertising Be named a family friendly business in Albuquerque’s top business publications, including Albuquerque Business First and Albuquerque Journal, giving your business recognition in the community.
  • Publish a Press Release Click the link to download the press release template for your use in promoting your business achieving this recognition. Please insert your business information into the areas outlined as well as the date. It is then ready for you to distribute to the media.
  • Listing on Premium Family Friendly Business Directory & Job Board Share details about your business and promotions, post current job listings and business details. Our Business Directory helps recruit qualified employees and promote your business as a leader in the community.
  • Internal Promotion Package Unlock the power of recognition with our internal promo package. Downloadable flyers, thoughtfully crafted for you, highlight your Family Friendly Business Award®, allowing you to proudly share this achievement.
  • Family Friendly Business Award® Digital Seal for use on your website, social media and email signature to promote your award.
  • Family Friendly Business Award® Certificate Family Friendly will attach a Certificate of Award to the email you receive after completing your application, you display in your place of business where all might see. You can print as many as you like 😉.
  • Website Recognition –  Family Friendly Business Directory Listing that includes your business name, contact information and level of award listed on our Family Friendly Business Directory.
  • Exclusive invitation to the Annual Family Friendly Business Awards® Luncheon, where your team be celebrated alongside 100+ businesses and 300+ attendees. Your recognition will also be featured in the printed event program.
  • Special invites to Family Friendly NM events.
  • CEU accredited event opportunities for all awardees to support the community of HR professionals that help drive family friendly policies in the workplace.
  • An online toolkit for businesses owners and HR professionals to gain more knowledge about family friendly policies and how to implement them in the workplace.
  • A network of support. Family Friendly New Mexico’s educational events provide a unique opportunity for attendees to collaborate and share their successes and challenges to develop business strategies that really work.
Policies do not have to be in writing as long as they are standard practice for your business.  Along with the recognition, your company receives the Family Friendly New Mexico digital seal, window cling and printable certificate that can be used in your marketing and/or talent recruitment efforts.


VIDEO: About the Family Friendly Business Award® & How to Apply