Awardee Spotlight
Montech Inc.
Family Friendly New Mexico is featuring award recipients that really stand out from the crowd. In February 2023, we interviewed Claire Lewis, PHR, Human Resources Manager at Montech Inc. and celebrate their efforts in creating a family friendly workplace!
We believe that costs associated with creating and maintaining family friendly policies are mere investments to secure improved productivity, employee morale, and employee retention.Claire Lewis, PHR

Claire Lewis, PHR, Human Resources Manager at Montech Inc.
Why have you decided to have family friendly workplace policies?
At Montech Inc., our greatest assets are our employees because they are the ones chosen to represent Team Montech within each respective Government agency. One of our most prioritized strategies to attract and retain personnel is the comprehensive benefit package that we offer our personnel and their families, which begins by prioritizing employee benefits and the corresponding family friendly workplace policies. This encourages our business, employees, and their families to thrive. We believe that costs associated with creating and maintaining family friendly policies are mere investments to secure improved productivity, employee morale, and employee retention.
How do family friendly workplace policies contribute to your business success?
After an employee is hired based on their performance, merit, and references, they immediately access our family friendly workplace policies such as: Paid-Time Off; Flexible Schedules (when applicable); and reaching eligibility to participate in our retirement plan.
However, we believe that this is only the 1st phase. Thereafter, employees have the potential and opportunity to strive for professional growth in the workplace. By focusing on the triad of an employee’s 1) productivity, 2) morale, and 3) retention, Montech is able to tap into Leadership and Mentorship tools to help employee reach their goals (or undiscovered aspirations).
This quarter, Family Friendly New Mexico is focusing on Leadership, Mentorship and Sponsorship programs, share more about what Montech is doing and how that builds a culture that supports your DEI policies
In alignment with this month’s theme on Maximizing Employee Potential Through Equitable Mentorship and Training, we share the following examples that Montech offers employees and teams in different scenarios and contexts over the years. These examples can be manageable steps for businesses of all sizes, with personnel working in multiple site locations (like Montech).
Training Workshops – Hosted virtually (or in-person). Frequency: Monthly; Quarterly; or Bi-Annually. Idea: Invite a guest speaker with expertise in respective area of business or leadership goal.
- Example 1: Montech facilities a “Supervisor Training” with connects Program Managers, Project Managers, Leads and Supervisors for sessions on:
- 1) Overseeing Personnel (Leadership / Soft Skills);
- 2) Interviewing and Hiring Practices (Legality); or
- 3) Performance Corrective Action Tools (Discipline).
- Purpose: This allows a particular group of employees to network together (despite being states apart) and share advice and learn from one another, while receiving guidance from Montech Inc. or an expert guest speaker (i.e., Leadership). New supervisors can receive mentorship from wiser, experienced managers (i.e., Mentorship).
- Example 2: Montech facilitates custom training and mentoring opportunities for employees who could benefit from “Enhanced Professional Development”. These trainings are often contract-by-contract (by office or region) or inviting personnel with similar work tasks to connect (by position or labor category). Personnel are often led and mentored by a more experienced employee.
- Purpose: This is an equitable opportunity for businesses to provide Enhanced Professional Development to their employees who strive for advancement, but have encountered economic (structural) barriers in their employment history, such as: 1) little to no access to higher education; 2) ethnicity, gender, age; 3) family situation (perhaps they are a single parent or care-giver) with no extra time/income to progress through formal education outside of an entry-level position.
If you can, share a specific story on how a family friendly workplace policy helped an employee?
Recently, Montech was able to initiate a series of three (3) internal promotions locally across different contracts in Albuquerque. This would not have been possible without the consistent efforts of Montech’s Leadership and Mentorship practices. Each of the three (3) personnel received regular communication, training opportunities, and mentorship from the Montech Office and their supervisors for the duration of their previous positions, as well as received advice and encouragement as they sought out education and professional growth. When one (1) resignation arose, it gave the opportunity for three (3) other employees to step-up and fill the shoes of one another, leaving us with only one (1) entry-level position to back-fill. Thus, giving Montech the opportunity to begin the cycle of growth again.
What are the most popular family friendly policies among your employees?
Within Montech, our team enjoys the benefits of Family Friendly New Mexico recognizes awardees for. Our employees really enjoy our paid leave policies, which allow them to partake in family events, vacation, sick leave and caring for their family. Secondly, our team applies benefits they receive within our work schedule policies. When applicable they can follow compressed work schedules (4/10 or 9/80) or hybrid schedules allowing split in-person and teleworking days.
View Family Friendly New Mexico Policy Categories.
Montech Inc. has these Family Friendly Workplace Policies
- Paid personal leave
- Paid parental leave
- Breastfeeding/lactation support
- Healthcare
- Wellness programs
- Reasonable accommodations
- Flexible work scheduling
- Job sharing
- Telecommuting/hybrid
- Predictable scheduling
- Higher wages
- Training/education
- Retirements/asset building
- Short-term financial stability
Montech Inc.
Location: Albuquerque, NM (Contracts/Personnel located in CA, CO, AZ, SD, ID, and MO)
Industry: Federal Contractor / Government Contracting
Established: 2011
Number of Employees: 100+
Montech is a leader in business support solutions, offering professional and technical services for Federal, State, and Government Industry clients. Recognized as a U.S. SBA 8(a) Certified, Woman-Owned Small Business (WOSB), and Native-Owned corporation, we have proudly earned partnerships with several prime contractors and prime positions with numerous agencies..