New Mexico has been trying to solve the problem of women receiving lower wages than men for a long time, and has made some progress, but there’s still a big gap between wages for men and women. The problem of women getting paid less than men affect women from different racial and ethnic groups in different ways. While white women generally earn less than men, Latina, African American, and Native American women usually face an even bigger pay gap compared to men. For example, Hispanic women only make 52 cents and Native American women only make 51 cents for every … Read More
How Can Your Business Support Women’s Economic Security?
The goal of Women’s Economic Security is supporting equity across the board through initiatives like childcare, education, equal advancement opportunities, and support services. Empowering your female workforce through economic security will relieve employee stress and help get the best from your team. As a Family Friendly Award Recipient, Rio Grande Credit Union (RGCU) has implemented several initiatives aimed to improve our employees’ quality of life, especially our female employees. Offering benefits such as paid time off, parental leave, and retirement makes RGCU a more desirable place to work and can make your business a desirable place to work too! This … Read More