[Guest Post from Blair Boyer, Director of Human Resources, Dion’s] It seems like a lifetime ago when the world dramatically changed because of COVID-19, but in reality, it’s only been about seven weeks. As HR Director of a business that takes pride in offering family friendly policies, it became clear to me very early on in this crisis that the greatest tool I had in my tool box was the ability to listen, care, and act. I have personally taken hundreds of calls in the past seven weeks from employees and parents of employees. Their perspectives range from “It’s no … Read More
How the Family Friendly NM Team Gets Work Done During Covid-19
Each week, as we hear the latest statistics we learn that a lot of businesses are struggling and more and more people are out of work. Our team is working diligently to provide as many resources as possible to support businesses that are navigating uncharted waters. We are working on adding resources to help essential businesses that are hiring find employees who are now looking for jobs (more to come at a later date). In this post, we are featuring some of the tools, practices and resources our team uses to work toward our goals to support our community. In … Read More
Employers can Benefit by Offering Small Dollar Lending
[Guest Post from Ona Porter, CEO, Prosperity Works] In the first few days of the COVID-19 crisis, we saw reports of 700,000 unemployed workers. Now, it is in the millions. Nearly 25% of workers now say their pay is reduced or they were laid off. Simply put, we’re all in unchartered waters. Rightly, there is a lot of focus on immune-compromised and health risks. But the shock to the economy is not getting enough attention. Federal stimulus or payments are forthcoming, but cash is king. Access to credit is also critical, but it has to be safe, fair, and affordable. … Read More
Weathering an Economic Storm
Our mission at Family Friendly New Mexico (FFNM) is to support businesses, their employees and families to thrive. Right now, businesses and non-profit organizations have moved into survival mode virtually overnight. FFNM supports a wide range of businesses and organizations of every size and from a variety of industries including food and accommodation, healthcare and social assistance, education, construction and government. These industries are all at the front lines of the coronavirus rapid response that we are adapting to on a daily basis. Experts predict that the economic impacts hitting our personal and collective economies will be felt for months … Read More