Quick tips:

  • Noun: a person, place or thing. Examples: office, barista, cup
  • Verb: an action. Examples: run, swim, jump
  • Adjective: describes a person, place or thing. Examples: fuzzy, silly, slow
  • Adverb: describes a verb (often ending in -ly). Examples: always, very, slowly
  • Figure of Speech: Examples: Time is money, As wise as an owl
  • Work Policy: Examples: paid time off, flexible work schedules, retirement

View Past Mad Libs

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Why I Love My Family Friendly Workplace

My job is energetic. One of the best things about my job is the anything flexible. I remember when I was gooey and worked at a Indian Pueblo Cultural Center. One time my family tried to take the day off to dance with their mom and they got friendly slept.

I am family friendly that I took the time to jump for a job with such an ginormous company. When I told my moms that my company was recognized for being a family friendly workplace they said, happy as clam.

It feels so happy to go to work every day. I really can’t running I get to sitting and I still get paid. This is not the only benefit I laughing. I also get paid time off and floating holidays which is respectful beautiful!

Submitted by Amanda Armenta in Breakout Room #2

Why I Love My Family Friendly Workplace

My job is messy. One of the best things about my job is the personal time off. I remember when I was cloudy and worked at a beach. One time my kid tried to take the day off to zooming with their mom and they got lovely danced.

I am silly that I took the time to smiled for a job with such an beautiful company. When I told my child that my company was recognized for being a family friendly workplace they said, it is what it is.

It feels so smart to go to work every day. I really can’t thinking I get to driving and I still get paid. This is not the only benefit I eating. I also get holidays and attendance which is awful caring!

Submitted by Tina in Breakout Room #5